Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/473

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LEW Salkeld and others. 2d ed. 2 vols. fol. 1722. 3d ed., cor- rected. By Thomas Vickers. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1S02. The Reports in Salkeld's edition, are in both French and English. In a case cited before Lord Kenyon, reported both by Levinz and Keble, the Court remarked, that " the Case from Levinz, is entitled to greater consideration than that in Keble, who was a bad reporter." Lord Mans- field awarded to Levinz the same superiority, but this is not very high praise. A better evidence of their value is shown by the demand for three editions, and their frequent citation at the Bar and elsewhere. Levinz had the character of an able lawyer, and his book of Entries will serve, occasionally, to throw light upon many of the Cases in his Re- ports. 5 Burr, 2731; 3 T. R. 17 ; Bridg. Leg. Bib. 192; Wallace's Reporters, 42. LEWIN, THO.ALS. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1842. See Law Library. The author has evidently bestowed infinite pains in collecting and arranging the learning applicable to Trusts and Trustees. The style of the book is perspicuous, the principles clearly stated, and the whole subject most thoroughly and accurately discussed. Few text books merit higher praise than this. The second edition is considerably im- proved by the addition of all the late decisions, and several new heads. 1 Jurist, 338 ; (8) Pt. 2, 10 ; 14 L. 0. 54 ; 1 M. L. M. 391 ; (2) 574. LEWIN, SIR G. A. Reports of Cases determined on the Crown Side, on the Northern Circuit, commencing Summer Circuit, of 1822, and ending Summer Circuit, 1838; with a Table of Cases and an Index. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1834-39. " Of Sir G. A. Lewin's collection of Decisions, we are disposed to speak very favorably, with one reservation, and that is, that he has in- cluded with the original Reports a considerable number of Cases which have long ago been published. We cannot, therefore, say the book is without alloy, but we believe there is merit enough in the performance, to make it very probable, that it will be acknowledged as of good autho- rity." 3 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 10. . The Laws relating to the Government and Main- tenance of the Poor. 12mo. London. 1828. . A Summary of the Law of Settlement. 12rao. London. 1827. LEWIS, SETH. Strictures on Dr. Livingston's System of Penal Laws, prepared for the State of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans. 1825. Pamphlet, pp. 67. 461