Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/488

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LOU LOUISIANA. A Digest of ihe Civil Laws, now in force in the Territory of Orleans. 8vo. New Orleans. 1808. In 1806, the Legislative Council of the Territory of Orleans, requested two able jurists to prepare a Civil Code for the use of the Territory, on the ground of the Civil or Roman Laws, which were then in force. The Code was reported and adopted ; but it did not supersede previous laws, except so far as they were inconsistent with its provisions. This com- pilation, which was, in fact, but little more than a synopsis of the Spanish Laws, continued in operation for fourteen years, without any material innovation. 18 A. J. 235. . Code Civil cle I'Etat de la Louisiane ; Traite de Cession de cet Etat par la France, etc. Publie par nn Citoyen de la Louisiane. 8vo. New Orleans. 1825. The Civil Code of the State of Louisiana. Svo. New Orleans. 1825. In 1822, Messrs. Derbigny, Livingston, and Moreau Lislet, were selected by the Legislature to revise and amend the Civil Code, and to add to it such of the laws, still in force, as were not included therein. They were also directed to add to their work a complete system of the Commercial Laws in force, together with such alterations as they might deem proper, and a Treatise on the Itules of Civil Actions, and a Sys- tem of the Practice to be observed in the Courts, The Civil Code prepared by these gentlemen, in pursuance of the authority conferred upon them, was adopted, and promulgated, in 1834, under the above title ; and by the act of promulgation, the Legislature declared, that from and after the promulgation, the Spanish, Roman, and French Laws, in force at the time of the cession of Louisiana to the United States, and the Acts of the Legislative Council of the Legislature of the Territory of Orleans, and of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana, should be repealed, in reference to every case in which the Code contains special provisions." A new edition of the Code, with annotations, by W. S. Upton and N. R. Jennings, was published, 8vo., New Orleans, 1838. 18 A. J. 235. . A Code of Practice in Civil Cases, for the State of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans. 1825. This Code was prepared by the compilers of the Civil Code, and adopted by the Legislature, and promulgated at the same time. A new edition, with annotations, by W. S. Upton, appeared, 8vo,, New Or- leans, 1839. LOUTHIAN, JOHN. The Form of Process before the Court of Justiciary, in Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh. 1752. 476