Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/54

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42 ABBREVIATIONS. Ulp. Ulpiani fragmenta. Umfrev. Off. Cor. Umfreville's Office of Coroner. Und. Sher. Under Sheriff. U. S. C. C. R. United States Circuit Court Reports. U. S. S. C. United States Supreme Court. U. K. United Kino-dom. Up. Ben. Pr. Upper Bench Precedents, temp. Car. I. Van Ness. C. C. R. Van Ness's Circuit Court Reports, Van. Eq. Vanheythuysen's Equity Precedents. Van. Mar. Ev. Vanheythuysen's Marine Evidence. Vatt. Vattel's Law of Nations. Vaug. Vaughan's Reports. Va. Cas. Virginia Cases. {Vide Broclt.) Va, R. Virginia Reports. (^Vide Gilman.) Ver. Stat. Vermont Statutes. Vent. I, 2. Ventris' Reports. Parts 1 and 2. Verm. Vermont Reports. Vern. Vernon's Reports. V. & S. Vernon & Scriv^n's Reports. Verp]. Cont. Verplanck on Contracts. Vs. or V. Versus. Voce. V. S. De Verborum Significatione. Ves. or Vez. Vesey's Reports. Ves. Jun. Vesey, Junior's Reports. Ves. & B. or Bea. Vesey and Beames's Reports. V. O. De Verborum Obligationibus. Vet. Int. or Ent. Veteres Intrationes. An old book of Entries, (1546,) cited in Townsend's Tables. Vet. n. br. or N. B. The Old Natura Brevium. (Fide Fitzherbert^s N. B., ante.) V. or Vic. Victoria. V. Ch. Vice Chancellor. Vid. Vidian's Entries. Vid. Intro. Vidian's Introduction to his book of Entries. Vin. or Vin. Abr. Viner's Abridgment. Vin. Supp. Supplement to Viner's Abridgment. Vir. Bod. La. Acts of the Assembly of Virginia, 1769. Vir. Col. A Collection of Virginia Acts, published in 1794. "Wal. Prin. Wallace's Principles of the Scotch Law. Wal. by Lyne. Wallis' Reports, by Lyne. "Walk. Am. L. Walker's American Law. Wa. Wales. Wall, or Wal. Wallace's Reports.