Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/550

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NIC NEW YORK. A Statement, showing some of the Evils and Ab- surdities of the Practice of the English Common Law, as adopted in several of the United States, and particularly in the State of New York. 8vo. New York. 1822. NEW YORK TERM REPORTS. See Caines. NEW YORK LEGAL OBSERVER, ^ee Owen. NICHOLL, H. L, T. HARE and CARROW. Cases relating to Railways and Canals, argued and adjudged in the Courts of Law and Equity from 1835 to 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1840-43. NICHOL, J. Tradesman's Law Assistant and Adviser. 8vo. London. 1829. NICHOLL, SIR J. Judgment in the Cause of Kemp against Wickes, Clerk, for refusing to bury an Infant Child of two of his Parishioners who had been baptized by a Dissenting Minister. 8vo. London. 1810. NICHOLL, J. Practice in Insolvency in the Courts of Bank- ruptcy. 2d edit. By E. Doyle. 12mo. London. 1845. NICHOLS, J. Practice of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. 4th edit. 8vo. London. 1828. NICOLAS, SIR HARRIS. A Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, with a Report of the Banbury Case, and of all other Cases bearing on the subject. 8vo. London. 1836. " A book equally remarkable for clearness of argument, fullness of information, and acuteness of argument. The subject may fairly be regarded as exhausted by it. Vol. 15, L. M. 503. . Devon Peerage Case. Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of Devon, in the House of Lords ; with Notes and an Appendix, containing Copies of Patents and Cases illustrative of the Claim. 8vo. London. 1833. . Report of the Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle, before the House of Peers, in 1834-5-6, with illustrative Notes, and an Appendix, containing Statements of the Abergavenny Case, the Botetourt Case, and the Berkeley Case, with Observations on Baronies by Tenure. 8vo. London. 1829. 53S