Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/567

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PAR PARK, J. J. A Treatise on the Law of Dower, particularly with a view to the Modern Practice of Conveyancing. 8vo. London. 1819. See Law Library. Park on Dower is a standard work, much esteemed for its sound, copious and accurate learning upon this head of the law. 2 Bro. Ca, Ch. G33; North's Dis. 75, n; 21 L. M. 251; 4 Kent, 40; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 237. PARK, ROBERT. The Rights and Liberties of the Church Asserted and Vindicated, against the Pretended Right and Usurpa- tion of Patronage. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1689. PARK, J. A. A System of Marine Insurances; with Three Chap- ters on Bottomry, on Lisurances on Lives, and on Insurances against Fire. 8th ed., with considerable Additions. By Francis Hilliard. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1842. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Mr. Park favored the Profession in England with the first systematic Treatise upon Insurance. Previous to the time of Lord Mansfield, the founder of Commercial Law, in England, there were but few unimportant decisions upon questions of Insurance. Mr. Park embodied in his work the adjudications of this eminent judge, whose private friendship and conversation he enjoyed, as well as Sir Francis BuUer's, in the progress of composing his book. Under the guidance of such aid, together with no ordinary zeal and acquirements on the part of the author, the Treatise could not fail of being at least respectable; and, though it has always been much esteemed, it has never been regarded as a first rate perform- ance. The author collected all that was valuable from domestic sources, and had recourse to the best foreign aid, and occasionally discusses general principles with great ability ; but a considerable portion of his volumes is made up by inserting decisions, much at length, without endeavouring to deduce guiding principles from the Cases. It is, how- ever, with the late editor's additions, the most recent English work on Insurance, and still retains a high reputation for accuracy, method, and completeness. G9 Ed. Rev. 10 ; Marsh. Ins. 22 ; Duer on Ins. 51, 99 ; 20 N. A. Rev. 72; G L. R. 487 ; Red. Mar. Com. 433 ; 3 Kent, 350; Warren's L. S. 764. PARKE, B. AND OVID F. JOHNSON. A Digest of the Revised Code, and Acts passed by the Legislature, between the 7th day of April, 1830, and the IGlh day of June, 1836; forming, with Pur- don's Digest, of 1830, a complete Digest of the Laws of Penn- sylvania to the Present Time. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1837. 555