Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/602

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PRY Question and Answer ; for the Assistance of Articled Clerks in preparing for Examination, and Incidentally for the Use of Prac- titioners. By a Solicitor. 12mo. London. 1839. Disapproving of the principle on which such books are constructed, we cannot but admit that it is well calculated for one of its purposes, namely, that of enabling idle clerks to pass their examination. 4 L. M. 232. PRITCIIARD, D. Digest ; or an entire new and complete Body of the Law concerning the Poor, from the earliest period to the present time, arranged under proper Heads, comprising a great number of Reported Cases not to be found in any other work of this kind ; together with many other determined Cases never be- fore printed, taken from the Notes of Henry Dealtry, Esq., Clerk of the Rules of the Court of King's Bench, Part L 4to. Lon- don. 1791. PROBATE Directory, being the Laws of New Hampshire respect- ing the Estates of Testators, Intestates and Wards. 12mo. Con- cord. 1829. PROPERTY LAAVYER. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1826-29. . New Series. 3 vols. PRUYJEAN, JOHN. A Treatise of the Laws of England now in force for the Recovery of Debt, pointing out the many Abuses of them. 8vo. London. 1791. PRYNNE, WILLIAM. Jus Patronalus ; or, a brief Legal and Rational Plea for Advowsons and Patrons. 4to. London. 1654. ' . Aurum Reginx; being a Tractate of Queen Gold, with Records concerning our Gold and Silver Mines, and four Patents of K. Hen. VI., for finding the Philosopher's Stone, to satisfy all the Creditors of the King and Kingdom in a few years, &c. 4to. London. 1668. , The Sovereign Power of Parliaments and King- doms. 4to. London. 1643. . The Opening of the Great Seal of England ; con- taining Historical and Legal Observations, concerning the Anti- quity, Progress, Use, and Necessity of the Great Seal of the Kings and Kingdom of England. 4to. London. 1643. O O w 590