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PYE rendering his work useful as well to the merchant and the trader as the professional man." 25 L. O. 165. PULTON, FERDINANDO. A Calendar, or Table, comprehend- ing the Effect of all the Statutes that have been made and put in print, from Magna Charta, to 4 Jac. I ; sliowing which are Re- pealed, Expired, Altered, Worn Out of Use, &c. ; whereunto is annexed an Abridgment of all the Statutes whereof the whole or any part is general, in force and use; with Notes of such Matters as are doubtful, ful. London. 160G-8. Pulton was a learned barrister of great experience, and was, for several years, employed in the consideration of the Statute Law. His is the earliest instance of the exertions of any individual, without the sanction of Parliament, towards making a collection of Statutes. Pulton's transla- tion is more accurate than any that had appeared before, and his Collec- tion was, from time to time, continued to 1670. Nic. Eng. Hist. Lib. 43; lirooke, 169 ; 1 Stat, of Realme, Intro. . An Abstract of all the Penal Statutes, which be generally in force and use. 4to. London. 1577. . De Pace Regis et Regni; viz.: a Treatise, de- claring which be the great and general Offences of the Realme, and the Chiefe Impediments of the Peace of the King and the Kingdom, &c. 4th ed. fol. London. 1623. The contents of the two first editions are the same, but the pages do not agree, both editions being very incorrectly paged throughout. Clarke. PUNISHMENT. Observations on the Offensive and Injurious Effect of Corporeal Punishment. 8vo. London. 1827. PURDON, JOHN. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700 to 1846. 7ih ed. By George M. Stroud. Svo. Philadelphia. 1846. The Acts are carefully collected and digested under Alphabetical Titles, to which are added notes of decisions upon their construction. PUTT, CHARLES. An Essay on Civil Policy, or the Science of Legislation; comprising the Origin and Nature of Government, Religion, Laws, Population, Wealth, and Happiness; with a Review of the Practice of the English Law, and Hints for its Improvement. 8vo. London. 1830. PYE, HENRY JAMES. A Summary of the Duties of a Justice of the Peace, out of Session ; with some Preliminary Observa- tions. 4lh ed. 12mo. London. 1827. 595