Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/647

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SEL SCULTHORPE, JAMES. A Compendium of the Laws relating to the Removal and Settlement of the Poor. 8vo. London. 1827. SEA LAWS. A General 'J'reatise of the Dominion of the Sea, and a compleat Body of the Sea Laws ; containing what is most valuable on that Subject in Antient and Modern Authors ; and particularly those Antient Laws of the Rhodians and Romans ; those of Oleron, Wisby, and other Countries. With curious Notes and Observations. As, also, that excellent body of Sea Laws lately published in France, Sic. 2d ed. 4to. n. d. •S'ee Justice. SEARCH, JOHN. Considerations on the Law of Libel as relat- ing to Publications on the subject of Religion. Bvo. London. 1833. Search is probably a fictitious name. SECRET Debates and Proceedings of the Convention assembled at Philadelphia in 1787, for the purpose of Forming the Constitu- tion of the United Stales. 8vo. Washington. 1836. SEDGWICK, J. Remarks on the Commentaries of Sir W. Blackstone. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1804. SEGA, JAMES. An Essay on the Practice of Duelling. 1830. SELDEN, JOHN. Opera Omnia, tam edita quam inedita. Col- legit ac recensuit, Vitam Auctoris, Prajfationes, et Indices adjecit, David Wilkins. 6 vols. fol. Londini. 1726. •S'ee Fleta ; Fortescue. . Jani dngloriim fades altera. 12mo. London. 1681. The above Treatise was translated into Enj^lish by Dr. A. Littleton, under the assumed name of R. Westcot. " Though one of Selden's earliest efforts, and much inferior to his subsequent productions, it yet exhibits traces of that accurate research and learning, which in his riper manhood made him one of the greatest ornaments of our constitutional literature." 2 Mart. Conv, Intro. 3. . The Dissertation of John Selden annexed lo Fleta. Translated and Illustrated, with Notes by the Editor of Britton. 8vo. London. 1771. 635