Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/710

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TUC TROUBAT, F. J. and WM. W. HALY. The Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings, in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and in the District Court and Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1837. TROUJOLLY, PHELIPES DE. Essais Historiques et Philos- ophiques sur I'eloquence judiciare, depuis sa naissance jusqu a nos jours, 2 vols. Svo. Paris. 1829. TROWARD, RICHARD. A Collection of the Statutes in force, relative to Elections ; with an Appendix, containing the Orders of the House of Commons, concerning Elections, the Acts regu- lating the Election of Peers and Members for Scotland. Svo. London. 1796. TRUSLER, JOHN. A Summary of the Constitutional Laws of England, being an Abridgment of Blackstone's Commentaries. 12mo. London. 1788. . The Country Lawyer, being a Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, with the Opinions of the Courts thereon, which Persons living in the Country have continually occasion to refer to ; with all the Laws extant respecting the Clergy. 12mo. London. 1787. . A concise View of the Common and Statute Laws of England, collected from the Statutes and Common Law Wri- ters, &c. 4to. London, 1781. TRYE, JOHN. Jus Filizarii ; or the Filacer's Office in the Court of King's Bench. Setting forth the Practice by Original Writ, &c. 12mo. London. 1684. TUCKER, HENRY ST. GEORGE, Commentaries on the Laws of Virginia, comprising the Substance of a Course of Lec- tures delivered to the Winchester Law School. 2 vols. Svo. Winchester. 1836-37. . Introductory Lecture in the University of Virginia, at the Opening of the Law School. TUCKER, ST. GEORGE. Examination of the Question " How far the Common Law of England is the Law of the Federal Go- vernment of the United States ?" 4to. Richmond. 698