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taken while the reporter was at the bar, and after he was raised to the bench. His report of Chudleigh's case is said to be much better than Lord Coke's. "Chief Justice Anderson was a profound and industrious lawyer; and it is evident from the reports of proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas in his time, that he was assiduous in his attendance, and singularly ready in the application of his great learning to the legal questions which were moved before him." Sugden on Powers, 6th ed. 22.

ANDERSON, R., Reports of the Speeches in the Douglas Cause. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1768.

ANDERSON, ADAM. An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce, from the earliest accounts, carefully revised, corrected, and continued to the present time. 4 vols. 4to. London. 1801.

This work was first published in 1762, 2 vols, folio, and is the result of the leisure hours of forty years' study. The last edition is that above mentioned, the fourth volume of which is a continuation of Anderson by Walter. Anderson was not much of a scholar, and the style of his production is rather prosy, but notwithstanding this it is regarded as an accurate and valuable work, and "very few books in the English language carry with them the evidence of so much patient research." Macpherson's "Annals of Commerce," is but an improved and corrected edition of Anderson's Treatise. B. D. S. Vol. II. Part 2, page 577; 53 Gentleman's Magazine, 41, 42.

ANDERSON, R. H. The Law and Practice of County Courts, and particularly of the County Court of Yorkshire. 12mo. London. 1830.

ANDREWS, GEORGE. Reports of cases in the Court of King's Bench, in the 11 and 12 years of Geo. II. 2d edit. With notes and an appendix, containing additional cases. By G. W. Vernon. 8vo. Dublin. 1791.

Many of the cases contained in these Reports are also reported by Strange, and in cases tempore Lord Hardwicke. Andrews, however, has usually given a fuller and more satisfactory report of these cases, than is found in reports of the same period. His reports are "accurate, judicious, and satisfactory." The first edition was in folio, 1754. See Wallace's Reporters, 63. 2d ed.

ANDREWS, H. B. Criminal Law. 12mo. London. 1833.

ANDERDON, R. B. A Practical Treatise on the duties of church-wardens. 8vo. London. 1824.61