Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/737

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WES constitutes the foundation of all similar productions of tlio kind, and has always been regarded as a high authority in these matters. " The Sup- plement, as it is called, is a mere collection of cases without order, and without precision." It may be well to observe, that the book is some- times cited as Dodderidges Executors, at others as JVentwortJi's Execu- tors, and also as the Office of Executors. Pref. Toll. Exec. Judge Jenkins' Works, 196; Skinn. 5G5 ; Shower's Pari. Ca. 147; 4 T. R. 639 ; 9 ^ Mod. 477. WENTWORTH, JOflN. A complete System of Pleading; comprehending the most approved Precedents and Forms of Prac- tice, with an Index to the principal Work, making it a Continua- tion of Townsend's and Cornwall's Tables to the present time, as well as an Index of Reference to all the Ancient and Modern Entries extant. 10 vols. 8vo. London. 1797-99. " As to the supposed authority of Mr. Wentworth, it is no authority at all. Mr. Wentworth was not a Reporter. His is a vast collection of pleadings, obtained from Mr. Lawes, and one or two gentlemen, which he threw together, and which I have found, in a very long career of pro- fessional life, to be, in a great manner, extremely incorrect ; and it can- not be assumed that there is the least authority to be derived from his statement." Lord Abinger, 3 Mes. & Wels. 253. WENTWORTH'S PLEADINGS. A complete Index to Went- worlh's System of Pleading. Compiled with a view to lessen the labors of the Profession, in referring to these valuable Pre- cedents. 8vo. New York. 1822. WESKETT, JOHN. A complete Digest of the Theory, Laws, and Practice of Insurance, fol. London. 1781. 8vo. Dublin. 1794. Translated into German, by Engelbrecht. 2 vols. 4to. Lubeck. 1782. " Mr, Weskett's book is a mere collection, in the form of a Diction- ary, of all the heads of Maritime Law, and contains little more than an index to foreign ordinances and usages." 20 N. A. R. 71 ; Marsh. Ins. 22. WEST, RICHARD. An Inquiry into the Origin and Manner of creating Peers. 8vo. London. 1782. WEST, E. A Treatise of the Law and Practice of Extents in Chief and in Aid ; with an Appendix of Forms of Writs, Affida- vits for Extents, Pleadings (o Extents, Rules of Court, and Table of Fees. 8vo. London. 1817. 725