Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/75

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ANGELL, JOSEPH K. A practical summary of the law of assignments. 12mo. Boston. 1825.

This is a succinct view of the law of assignments, and the principal objection to it is, that the author "has not in all cases, followed out the doctrines of assignments to the utmost verge of the law upon the subject." "It is a neat and valuable little manual of the law of voluntary assignments by insolvent debtors." 2 Kent's Com. 536, n. 13 Am. Jur. 234.

—————— and SAMUEL AMES. A Treatise on the law of private corporations, aggregate. 2d ed., revised, corrected, and enlarged. 8vo. Boston. 1843.

The first edition of this book appeared in 1832, and was pretty severely and justly criticised at the time, by a writer in the American Jurist. To the authors, however, belong the honour of first producing an American treatise upon corporations, and whatever its defects may be in style, arrangement, or in profusion of citations from English or American reports, it is undoubtedly the best work upon corporations that an American lawyer can possess. The second edition, published in 1843, was considerably enlarged by the incorporation of decisions made in the intervening time of the two editions, and a third being now called for, indicates somewhat the opinion entertained of the book. Chancellor Kent highly commends the work, 8 Am. Jur. 105; 6 Law Rep. 135. 2 Kent's Com, 206, n., and 315, n.

ANNALES de Législation et de Jurisprudence du Notorial, par une société de juris consultes et de notaires. 9 tom. 8vo. Paris. 1803-9.

ANNESLEY, ALEX. A compendium of the law of marine insurances, bottomry, insurance on lives, and of insurances against fire, in which the mode of calculating averages is defined and illustrated by examples. 8vo. London. 1808.

ANSPACH, L. A. A summary of the laws of commerce and navigation, adapted to the present state of government, and trade of the Island of Newfoundland. 8vo. Finsbury. 1809.

Mr. Anspach was by profession a clergyman, but in addition to the duties attending his profession in Newfoundland, found time to compile this treatise. "The law on these several matters is here laid down with great precision, and expounded with clearness." Month. Rev. 1810, p. 96.

ANSTEY, J. The Pleader's Guide, a didactic poem, on the conduct of a suit at law. 8th ed. 12mo. London. 1826.63