Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/762

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WRI WRIGHT, ROBERT. A Digest of all the Reported Cases deter- mined in the several Courts of Pennsylvania, from May Term, 1836, to Dec. Term, 1841, inclusive. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1842. WRIGHT, A. Court-Hand Restored, or the Student assisted in Reading Old Deeds, Charters, &c. 7th ed. 4to. London. 1834. WRIGHT, W. Advice on the Study of the Law ; with Directions for the Choice of Books, addressed to Attorneys' Clerks. 3d ed. enlarged. 8vo. London. 1824. 12rao. Baltimore. 1811. WRIGHT, DAVID. Executor's, Administrator's, and Guardian's Guide, containing a Summary of the Laws of New York, regu- lating the Appointment, Powers and Duties, Rights and Obliga- tions of Executors, Administrators, and Guardians ; with general Directions appertaining thereto ; to which is added an Appendix, containing many of the Practical Forms necessary to be used by them in the Transaction of the Business relating to their several Trusts ; and, also, a Copy of an Act respecting the Fees of Sur- rogates, passed May 7, 1844. 12mo. Auburn. 1845. WRIGHT, JOHN C. Reports of Cases at Law and Chancery, decided by the Supreme Court, from 1831-34. 8vo. Columbus. 1835. "The Cases are, for the most part, mere Nisi Prius Decisions, and, consequently, make but little pretension to learning or research. Many of the Cases are upon points of Practice only valuable in that State." 17 A. J. 224. WRIGHT, SIR MARTIN. An Introduction to the Law of Ten- ures. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1792. This work contains a learned and perspicuous display of those parts of the Law of Feuds, which are chiefly necessary for the elucidation of the learning relative to the origin of estates and their legal properties." It is a beautiful specimen of deep learning, united with a concise and elementary exposition of its subjects. The utmost reliance may be placed in his citations, which are numerous ; and those who may be in search of minute learning on the various topics of Feudalism, may take his authorities as faithful guides." Sir William Blackstone incorpo- rated in the second volume of his Commentaries, the substance of Mr. Wright's Treatise. Hoff. Leg. Stu. Ml ; 1 Kent, 512 ; 1 Bart. Conv. 26. WRIGHT, J. A Treatise on the Internal Regulations of Friendly Societies. 12mo. London. 1829. 750