Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/773

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• INDEX. ABRIDGMENTS. I. Statute Law. Abridgment, Abstract, Addington, "Baj'ard, Bisset, Bullingbroke, Cay, Dundas, P^vans, Forsyth, Gillan, Guppy, He- ron, Home, Huie, Hunt, Jonas, Meriton, Owein, Rastell, Robins, Smee, Stewart, Swinton, Washington, Watson, Win- gate, n. Reports. Abridgment, Ashe, Bacon, Bell, Bridall, Brooke, Brown, Crawford & Dix, Dane, D'Anvers, Davis, Disney, Dun- lap, Fitz-Herbert, Gregory, Halkerston, Hamond, Harrison, Hawkins, Hicks, Hilliard, Hughes, Ireland, Johnson, Lilly, Manly, Nelson, Peters, PetersdorfF, Rolle, Sheppard, Statham, Trotman, Viner, Wheeler, Wilcox, Williams, Year Book. II. Elementary Works. Anthon, Curry, Davenport, Greenleaf, Grey, Johnson, Smith, Trusler, Warren. ABSTRACTS. Gardnor, Harper, Instructions, &c., Lee, Moore, Pres- ton, Stewart. ABUSES OF THE LAW. Law Quibbles, Paterson, Pruyjean, Raw- lins, Speculations, Spence. See Arrest and Reform. ACCOMPLICES. Joy. ACCOUNT. Ward. ACCOUNTS. Brady, Cory, Highmore, Price. ACTIONS. I. Personal. Allen, Asbby, Atherton, Ballantine, Blanchard, Browne, Boote, Espinasse, Evans, Gilbert, Glisson & Gulston, Hammond, Howe, Hudson, Judgments, &c., Mansel, Mayhew, Morgan, Osborne, Price, Sheppard, Smith, Stephen, Tidd. II. Real. Booth, Jackson, Roscoe, Stearns. ACTS. See each of the States, and Statutes. ADMIRALTY. Betts, Browne, Gierke, Conkling, Croke, Curtis, Dallas, Dunlap, Frazer, Godolphin, Greene, Hall, Hinchliffe, Home, Martens, Marriott, Notes of Cases, Notifications, Potts, Robinson, Sherman, Spclman, Schlegel, Whitaker, Zouch. 761