Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/808

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INDEX. SEWERS. Callis, Instructions, &c., Woolrych. SHELLEY'S CASES. Phillips, Walters. SHERIFFS. Allen, Atkinson, Backus, Barclay, Barnes, Bell, Bow- ditch, Burchell, Clark, Dalton, Drummond, Button, Goodwin, Greenwood, Hale, Hartshorne, Impey, Lewis, McGlashan, McLau- rin, Mansel, Martin, Rogers, Sewell, Sheriffs, Skirrow, Sumner, Thomson, Watson, Wilkinson. SHIP MONEY. Banks, Hutton, Prynne. SHIPPING. Abbott, Atcheson, Caines, Curtis, Dana, Earnshaw, Holt, Lawes, Lee, Maxwell, Molloy, Moylan, Parker, Palmer, Reeves, Robinson, Roccus, Sawyer, Steele, Trollope, Tyndale, Townsend, Ward, Wilkinson, Wordsworth. See Mmirally, Captures,, Commer- cial Law, Prize. SHORT HAND. Bingham. SIMONY. Cunningham, Forsyth, Phillimore. SLANDER. Asgill, March, Parry, Sheppard, Starkie. See Libel. SLAVERY. Baldwin, Henry, Howard, Manumission Cases, Stephen, Wheeler. SMALL DEBTS. Burke, Keane, Moseley, Nicholls. SOLICITORS. See Mtornies. SOUTH CAROLINA. I. Statutes AND Revisions. Brevard, Cooper and McCord, Grimke, James, Trott. II. Reports. Bailey, Bay, Bee, Brevard, Cheves, Desaussure, Dudley, Harper, Hill, Macmullan, INIcCord, Mill, Nott and Mc Cord, Rice, Richardson, Riley, South Carolina, Spears, Treadway. III. Digests. Digest, Elliot, &c.. Rice, South Carolina, IV. Elementary Treatises. AUegiancBj Blanding, &c., Condy, Grimke, Simpson. SOVEREIGNTY OF THE SEAS. Borough, Clavel, Meadows, Selden. STAMPS. Bindley, Brady, Chitty, Collins, Coventry, Heraud, Impey, Mockler, Tilsley. SPIRIT OF THE LAWS. Maxwell, Montesquieu, Regnault, Re- view, &c. SPRINGING USES. Wilson. STANNARIES. Acts, Cornwall, Harrison, Pearce, Smirke, Stannaries. See Mines, 796