Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/86

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ATK prefixed, a discourse of the antiquity, power, and duty of juries, 2d ed. corrected and enlarged with the laws of the crown, indict- ments, presentments, &c. 8vo, London. 1725. ATCHESON, NATH. Report of the case of Havelock v. Rock- wood, in the K. B. on the validity of a sentence of condemnation by an enemy's consul in a neutral port, and the right of the owner of the ship to call upon the underwriters to reimburse him the money paid for the purchase of the ship at a sale by auction ; with an appendix, containing the French laws now in force relative to marine prizes. 8vo. London. 1800. . Report of the case of Fisher v. Ward, respecting the Russian embargo on British ships. 8vo. London. 1803. . American encroachments. 8vo. London. 1805. . Collection of interesting and important reports and papers on the navigation and trade of Great Britain, Ireland, and the British colonies in the West Lidies and America, with tables of tonnage and of exports, &c. 8vo. London. 1807. ATHERLY, EDMUND G. A Treatise on the Law of Marriage and other Family Settlements. 8vo. London. 1813. Chancellor Kent speaks of this book as an " ableand excellent Treatise." 4 Johns. Ch. Rep. 491. See Law Library, post. ATHERTON, W. An Elementary and Practical Treatise on the commencement of Personal Actions, and the proceedings therein to Declaration, in the Superior Courts at Westminster, comprising the changes effected by the Uniformity of Process Act, 2 W. 4, c. 39, and recent Rules of Court. With an Appendix of the sta- tutes, the Rules referred to, and appropriate Practical Forms. 1 2 vo. London, 1833. This is a very useful guide on the commencement of personal actions. The work is well executed, and the authorities and practical forms dili- gently collected. 7 L. O. 9. ATKINS, SIR ROB. Parliamentary and political tracts, I. Con- taining the power of parliament. II, On elections. III. On penal statutes. IV. On ecclesiastical jurisdictions. V. Defence of Ld. Russell. VI. His speech to Sir W. Ashhurst. 8vo. London. 1734 or 1741. These tracts were also published separately. 74