Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/90

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ATT Atkyns and Vesey, Sen. These are books of constant reference ; in them are to be found /u// and elaborate expositions of the principles not only of Equity, but also of many parts of the Common Law," The editor, Mr. Sanders, who certainly had ample means of ascertain- ing the correctness and fidelity of the Reports under consideration, frankly gives his unequivocal testimony in Atkyns' favor. He declares that only " in some very few instances a slight alteration in the original text has been adopted, with a view of making it correspond with the Register." Lord Hardwicke, as a judge, stands unsurpassed, and with scarcely an equal in the annals of judicial history. " His decisions at this day, and in our own courts, do undoubtedly carry with them a more commanding weight of authority than those of any other judge ; and the best editions of the elder Vesey and Atkyns will continue to fix the attention and study of succeeding ages." From the foregoing illustrations, I think we may reasonably conclude that Atkyns' Reports are as correct as the records and sources from which they were prepared would admit of, and that the accuracy, fidelity, and method of the reporter have been, by certain persons, undeservedly underrated. It is perhaps needless to add, that the learned author of " Uses and Trusts" has very much ircreased the value of these Reports, by his labor* as an editor of them. 2 Atk. Pref. 4 ; 1 Atk. Pref. 5 ; 2 Atk. Pref. 4 ; Wallace's Reporters, 79 ; 2 Wooddesson's Lee. 362 ; 5 Taunton, 64 ; 1 Barn. & Aid. 742 — " part of the second edition was very incorrectly printed," which surely was not the reporter's fault; 2 Kyd on Corporations, 189, n. ; 1 W. Blk. Rep. 571 ; 2 Atk. Pref. 5 ; 6 East, 29, n. ; 1 Kent, 493; 33 Monthly Rev. 108; 12 Leg. Obs. 524; 1 Atk. Rep. 5 ; 2 Kent, 493. ATTORNEY'S (The) Companion, containing the Rules of the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery, and Court of Errors of the Slate of New York. 8vo. PoughUeepsie. 1818. Practice in the Court of King's Bench. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1789. and Affents Table of Costs in the Courts of K. B. and C. P., &c. 4to. London. 1789. Complete Pocket Book, 2 parts. Part L con- taining near 400 choice and approved precedents in law, equity, and conveyancing. Part IL containing an abridgment of rules of court, acts of parliament, and adjudged cases, together with a great variety of practical instructions. To which is added a copy of the will of the Duchess of Marlborough. 12mo. 2 vols. 8lh ed. 1780. 78