Page:Mary Stuart (Drinkwater).djvu/57

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Randolph: And yet, Madam, not plainly for so plain a man.

Mary: Ambassador from the court of England? No, Randolph. Elizabeth sends no poor brains on her business. Though I have heard that her wages do not always measure the service.

Randolph: Madam—

Mary: There, there—it's no treason to hear. And I am not a subject of England—yet.

Randolph: A subject?

Mary: One might be a subject of England, or one might be Queen of England—eh, Randolph?

Randolph: Your Majesty can instruct me.

Mary: A subject—or no, that's unlikely; a forfeit rather. Or Queen. Is it not so?

Randolph: How could I say, Madam?

Mary: Does not Elizabeth say it?

Randolph: Elizabeth?

Mary: Yes, man. Does she not say it?

Randolph: I cannot say that I have heard Her Majesty—

Mary: Come, Randolph, you are not uninformed. Does she not say it, and fear it?

Randolph: You insist above my knowledge, Madam.