Page:Master Frisky (1902).djvu/52

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fierce. Then master grabbed me and carried me out, and he gripped my collar so tight that I thought I would die. He gave me to a horrid boy to hold, and went back into the large house. When he came out and started home he was very cross, and would not say anything to me."

"And when you got home he licked you," said Dandy.

"Yes," answered Frisky, "but I did not mind that, for I have found out about that growl-box."

"What do you think was in it?" asked Dandy.

"Dogs in one end, and cats in the other," replied Frisky promptly.

Dandy looked very much astonished. "And what was the man doing?" he asked.

"He was kicking at the dogs, and pulling the cats' tails; and all these folks were there hearing them growl and meow, and thinking it was funny."

"How dreadful!" said Dandy. "I do not believe our master knew what the man was doing, or he would have stopped him."

"Perhaps he didn't," said Frisky; "but I am sure that was what it was."

"Can't we do something to help them?" asked Dandy.

"That's what I have been thinking," said Frisky; "we might go over some night and let them all out, and then they could run home to their folks. I know the way."