Page:Master Frisky (1902).djvu/72

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At this direct insult Jimmy's mane bristled.

"No," he said with a growl, "I have not been playing with puppies; but if you will come out here I will play with a kitten."

Snow gave a bound, lighted on top of the gate-post, and glared down upon Jimmy, at the same time digging his claws into the post in his wrath.

"You are an impudent poodle," said Snow, spitting down at him.

"I am not a coward," growled Jimmy.

This was too much for Snow; and like a white fury, with claws extended, he sprang upon his enemy. No one ever knew just how it happened. Jimmy certainly did not have murder in his heart; but in less than three seconds Snow was lying on the sidewalk, gasping in his last agonies, while Jimmy stood over him growling savagely.

"You've killed me," said Snow piteously.

"Served you right," growled Jimmy.

Then Rollo came running from across the street; and seeing his dead friend, and Jimmy standing over his quivering form, he straightway rushed at him, and a battle began the like of which had not been seen for many a day in Dogtown, where Judge Major Hill kept such good order. Round and round they went, snapping, snarling, and biting, while the dust and leaves flew so that you could not have told one dog from the other; and very soon they were covered with blood and foam. It is quite pos-