Page:Master Frisky (1902).djvu/96

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white sunbonnet with lace upon it. They were the prettiest little girls in the whole town, and not spoiled a bit by their beauty.

They were carrying a big basket between them, and they were going to the swamp to pick cowslips for their mother. When they all reached the swamp, the two dogs left the little girls to pick cowslips, while they went where the ditch was broad and deep to look for frogs.

When they had found a place that suited Old Spot, they lay down in the grass and kept very still for a long time watching the water. By and by the biggest green old bull-frog that Master Frisky had ever seen, poked his head up from under a lily pad and looked about him. The sunlight made him wink and blink, and he bobbed up and down, and looked very queer.

At a signal from Spot, both dogs dove for him, but quick as a flash he disappeared; and although Master Frisky kept his head under the water until he sputtered and choked, he could see nothing of him; and, finally, they came out dripping and panting. They had hardly shaken themselves, when up he popped again, winking and blinking; and, looking straight at them, he said in the plainest of frog language, "Got wet, got wet."

This was more than the dogs could stand, and so they both dove for him again; but he disappeared as quickly as before. When they