Page:Masterpieces of German literature volume 7.djvu/21

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Special Writers

Henry Wood, Ph.D., Professor of German, Johns Jlopkins University: The Life of Bettina von Arnim,

Martin Schutze, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German Literature, Uni- versity of Chicago:

Immermann and His Drama Merlin.

John S. Nollen, Ph.D., President of Lake Forest College: German Lyric Poetry from 1830 to 1848.

J. LoEWENBEBG, Ph.D., Assistant in Philosophy, Harvard University: The Life of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Stabr Willard Cutting. Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages and Litera- tures, University of Chicago:

Gutzkow and Young Germany.

Allen Wilson Porterfield, Ph.D., Instructor in German, Columbia Uni- versity :

Immermann's Münchhausen.


J. LoEWENBERG, Ph.D., Assistant in Philosophy, Harvard University:

The Philosophy of Law; Introduction to the Philosophy of Art.


Introduction to the Philosophy of History.

A. I. Dir P. Coleman, A.M., Professor of English Literature, College of the City of New York:

The Watchman's Song; The Call of the Road; Autumn Days; The Death of Tiberius.
