Page:Masterpieces of German literature volume 7.djvu/25

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The Four Apocalyptic Riders, By Peter Cornelius Frontispiece

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. By Schlesinger 2

Royal Old Museum in Berlin. By Schinkel 96

Bettina von Arnim 120

The Goethe Monument. By Bettina von Arnim 124;

Karl Lebrecht Immermann. By C. T. Lessing 154

The Master of the Oberhof. By Benjamin Vautier 170

The Oberhof. By Benjamin Vautier 188

The Freemen's Tribunal. By Benjamin Vautier 202

Lisbeth. By Benjamin Vautier 216

Oswald, the Hunter. By Benjamin Vautier 218

Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow : 242

The Potsdam Guard. By Adolph von Menzel 256

King Frederick William I of Prussia. By R. Siemering 308

King Frederick William I and His "Tobacco Collegium." By Adolph von Menzel 334

Anastasius Griin 358

Nikolaus Lenau 360

Evening on the Shore. By Hans am Ende 362

Eduard Morike. By Weiss 370

Annette von Droste-Hiilshoff 436

The Farm House. By Hans am Ende 438

Ferdinand Freiligrath. By J. Hasenclever 498

Dusk on the Dead Sea. By Eugen Bracht 504

Death on the Barricade. By Alfred Rethel 508

Georg Herwegh 520

Emanuel Geibel. By Hader 522

Journeying. By Ludwig Richter 524