Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/305

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Prometheus. How 's the sky ? lo

Opeu or overcast ? Are there any clouds ?

Peisthetairus [aloud atid angrily']. Be hanged !

Prometheus. Then I'll disguise myself no longer.

Peisthetairus. My dear Prometheus !

Prometheus. Hold your tongue, I beg ;

Don't mention my name ! If Jupiter should see me, Or overhear ye, I 'm ruined and undone.^ 15

But now, to give you a full complete account Of everything that 's passing, there in heaven — The present state of things. . . . But first I '11 trouble

you To take the umbrella, and hold it overhead, Lest they should overlook us.

Peisthetairus. What a thought ! 20

Just like yourself ! A true Promethean thought ! Stand under it, here ! Speak boldly ; never fear.

Prometheus. D' ye mind me ?

Peisthetairus. Yes, I mind ye. Speak away.

Prometheus [^emphatically']. Jupiter 's ruined.

Peisthetairus. Ruined ! How ? Since when ?

Prometheus. From the first hour you fortified and planted 25

Your atmospheric settlements. Ever since, There 's not a mortal offers anything In the shape of sacrifice. No smoke of victims ! No fumes of incense ! Absolutely nothing ! AVe 're keeping a strict fast — fasting perforce, 30

From day to day — the whole community.

And the inland barbarous gods in the upper coun- try ' Are broken out, quite mutinous and savage. With hunger and anger ; threatening to come down ^ See the Prometheus of Aeschylus, page 101, line 364.