Page:Maud Howe - A Newport Aquarelle.djvu/133

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steps in a pair of strong arms which pressed her close to a fast-beating heart. She was placed gently on a mossy bank by some one who spoke no word. Her eyes were closed, though she had not fainted, and she knew whose arm had saved her in the hour of danger. She was grateful and looked up to speak.

The face into which she glanced was deadly white, and the eyes were dim. She rose to her feet, for he looked so strangely. As she stood up strong, though trembling slightly, the man at her side reeled, as if he had been struck, and fell fainting to the ground at her feet.

The girl knew quite well what to do, and, being one of those persons who are never overcome by an emergency, she quickly brought the swooning man to his senses. A copious sprinkling with cold water and the application of Miss Carleton's vinaigrette to his nostrils caused Mr. Cuthbert Larkington to open his eyes in a few moments. When