Page:Maud Howe - Atlanta in the South.djvu/41

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"'He left Florence in the greatest haste, and repaired to Rome, where he solicited an interview with the Pope—'"

"Where shall I put the mother bird?" whispers Margaret.

"On de eggs," answers General Jackson, in the same low voice.

"But that will hide the eggs," objects Margaret.

"Margaret, what are you whispering to that child about? Can't you send him away?"

"Yes, papa. Be still, General, can't you?" very severely.

"'He found the Holy Father much inclined to coincide with his views, and the difficulties would have been easily smoothed over had it not been for the mischievous intriguing of a certain cardinal—'"

"See, General, there 's the father bird."

"He must have a worm," insisted the child.

"I see there is no use in trying to interest you in Michael Angelo to-day, Margaret. You seem to find that black child vastly more important."

"He is n't quite so remote, papa, and to-day I am rather in a mood for the present; and General Jackson means the present, don't you, General?"

"Yes, missy."

Stuart Ruysdale put the book down, and with