Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/115

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Of what countries are the following cities the Capitals? Pekin, Calcutta, Tokyo, Bangkok, Teheran, Hanoi, Khelat, Kabul (ka-bool').

What ocean is north of Asia? What ocean is east? What ocean is south?

What two mountain ranges are between Asia and Europe? What two seas? What river?

What isthmus is between Asia and Africa? What sea separates Asia and Africa? Where is the distance shortest between Asia and North America?

What two oceans does Bering strait connect? Name the most northerly cape of Asia. The most easterly.

What is the most northern country of Asia? Of what empire does it form a part? In what direction do its rivers flow? Into what ocean?

Where is the peninsula of Kamchatka (kam-chat'-ka)? What sea is west of Kamchatka? (Pronounced o-kotsk'.)

What sea is east of Kamchatka? What lake is among the Altai (al'-ti) mountains?

What part of the Russian Empire lies east of the Caspian sea?

Where is Lake Balkash? Aral sea? The Caspian sea? These three are salt. Rivers flow into them, but none flow out. They are like the Great Salt lake of our own country.

Where is To-bolsk'? Irkutsk (eer-kootsk')?

What empire is south of Siberia? The Amur river and the Altai mountains separate Siberia from the Chinese Empire.

In what portion of the empire is China? What two great rivers flow through it.

In what part of China is Pe-kin'? In what part is Canton? Where is Shanghai?

In what part of the Chinese Empire is Tibet? What high mountains are on the south? Where is Lassa?

In what part of the empire is Sinkiang? Mongolia? Manchuria (man-choo'-ri-a)? What desert in Mongolia? Where is Kashgar? Where is Korea?

Where is the Yellow sea? It is so named because the vast quantities of mud washed into it by the Hoang river give to it a yellow color. What sea is south of China?

What empire, made up of islands, lies eastward of China? What sea separates it from Korea? What port is south of To'-ky-o? (Pronounced yo-ko-hah'-mah.)

Where is Indo-China? What countries[1] does it contain? Where is the Malay peninsula? This peninsula has given its name to the Malay or brown race.

What large river in Siam? On what strait is Singapore? It is noted for its export of tin.

What bay is west of Indo-China? What country is between the Bay of Bengal (ben-gawl') and the Arabian sea? What form of land would you call it?

To whom does India belong? Name its three great rivers. Each of them has several mouths.

Where is Bombay? Ma-dras'? Where is Ceylon? This island has the finest pearl fisheries in the world.

What two countries are on the west of British India? What mountains are in Afghanis- tan'?

What country is west of Afghanistan? What sea is north of Persia (per'-sha)? What gulf is on the south?

What country is between the Persian gulf and the Red sea? What sea is on the south-east?

In what part of Arabia is Maskat? Where is Mec'ca? Medina (me-dee'-nah)? Mocha (mo'kah)?

What country is north of Arabia? Why is the strip of land lying on the Red sea colored buff?

Where is Mount Sinai (si-ni)? Jerusalem? Damascus? Smyrna? What two rivers flow into the Persian gulf?

On what three seas does Turkey border? On what continent is the capital of Turkey? Name it

A canal has been cut through the Isthmus of Suez from the Red sea to the Mediterranean. Point out the course of a vessel from Calcutta to the Mediterranean.

What country of Asia lies partly in the frigid zone? What countries lie partly in the torrid zone?

What two small countries lie wholly within the torrid zone? In what zone is the greater part of Asia?

In what direction is Yokohama from Singapore? Kabul from Calcutta? Tokyo from Constantinople?

Use the scale of miles and measure the distance from Yokohama to Singapore.

Routes of Travel.—On what waters would you sail in going from Constantinople to Bombay? How could you go by water from Mandalay to Delhi? What seas would you cross in sailing from Madras to Tokyo? Through what strait would you pass?

In the interior of Asia merchandise is carried by trains of camels called caravans. They cross the desert of Gobi from China to Lake Baikal and from Sinkiang to Persia. Railroads have been built from St. Petersburg through Siberia and Manchuria to the Pacific; from Russia to Bokhara and Tashkend, and from Smyrna to the cities of Asiatic Turkey.

Map Drawing.—On an outline map of Asia have the pupils fill in names of mountains, rivers, lakes, and coast waters. A second lesson may take up the location of countries and cities. Another lesson may be given to productions.

  1. .* Burma is now a part of British India.