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You ſaid you lov’d your Molly dear,
thy vovvs I did believe;
For vvell I knevv my Strephon’s heart
vvould ne’er my faith deceive:
Thy love vvas all I vviſh’d on earth,
this vvorld could give no more.
Ah gramachree! and novv vve’ll be
as happy as before.

Our flocks together novv vve’ll tend,
upon the yellovv hill;
And gaze, enraptur’d, on the ſvveets
which yon fair proſpects fill.
While Heav’n upon our mutual love
ſhall all its bleſſings pour.
Ah gramachree! vve then ſhall be
as happy as before.


My Jenny and I had toil’d
the live-long ſummer’s day,
Till we were almoſt ſpoil’d
at making of the hay:
Her kerchy was of holland clear,
ty’d on her bonny brow;
I whiſper’d ſomething in her ear
but what is that to you?