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Sae Tam the piper did play,
and ilka ane danc’d that was willing,
And a’ the lave they ranked through,
and they held the ſtoupy ay filling.

The auld wives ſat and they chew’d.
and when that the carles grew nappy,
They danc’d as weel as they dow’d.
wi’ a crack o’ their thumbs and a kappie.
The lad that were the white band,
I think they ca’d Jamie Mather,
And he took the bride by the hand,
and cry’d to play up Maggy Lauder.

The Lass of Patie’s Mill.

The laſs of Patie’s mill.
ſo bonny, blithe and gay,
In ſpite of all my ſkill,
hath ſtole my heart away:
When tedding of the hay,
bare-headed on the green,
Love ’midſt her locks did play,
and wanton’d in her een.

Her arms white, round and ſmooth,
breaſts riſing in their dawn,
To age it would give youth

to preſs ’em with his hands.