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I ſaw my Jamie’s ghoſt,
but coudna think it he,
Till he ſaid, I’m come back,
my love, to marry thee.

O fair did we greet,
and meikle did we ſay;
We took a parting kiſs,
and we tore ourſelves away:
I wiſh that I were dead!
but I’m no like to die:
And why do I live
to ſay, Wae’s me?

I gang like a gaiſt,
and I carena to ſpin:
I darna think on Jamie,
for that would be a ſin;
But I will do my beſt
a guid wife to be,
For auld Robin Gray
is a guid man to me.


I’ve got my Jenny Bell
to sleep by my ſide,
I’ll ever bleſs the day

I got her for my bride;