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She ſaid. For to marry,
ſhe never did incline,
Becauſe her deareſt Jamie
was ever in her mind:
She ne’er cou’d love anither
ſo dear’s ſhe loved he:
Therefore to my propoſal
The never cou’d agree.

I applied to her mother,
whoſe aged heart did bleed,
Becauſe that I had often
ſupported them indeed;
She was loth to adviſe her,
but ſaid ſhe’d happy be,
If her daughter wou’d conſent
to be a wife to me.

I made my Jenny preſents
of ſilver broach and rings,
Yet ſtill ſhe ſhun’d my preſence,
for a’ theſe handſome things:
At laſt I grew ſo ill.
that ſome thought I would die;
Then my bonny Jenny Bell
ſhe came to viſit me.

As ſoon as I beheld her,
it did my heart relieve:
I ſaid, if ſhe would marry me,
I hoped yet to live.