Page:Max Havelaar Or The Coffee Sales of the Netherlands Trading Company Siebenhaar.djvu/293

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Max Havelaar

“3º to apply similar measures to such persons of a lesser rank as, belonging to the Regent’s family, may be expected to influence the rigour of the proposed inquiry;

“4º to hold this inquiry at once, and to report fully on the result.

“I further take the liberty to suggest for your consideration that the visit of the Regent of Tjanjor be countermanded.

“Finally I have the honour to give the assurance—no doubt superfluously for you, who know the Division of Lebak better than is as yet possible for me—that from a political point of view a strictly just treatment of this matter can cause no danger, and that I should view with far greater apprehension the neglect to clear it up. For I have information to the effect that the people who, as a witness told me, are poossing[1] with vexation, have long been looking for deliverance.

“I have partly drawn strength, for the difficult duty I am fulfilling in writing this letter, from the hope that I shall be permitted in due time to urge certain reasons in extenuation of the old Regent, with whose position, however much the result of his own actions, I nevertheless feel deep sympathy.

The Assistant-Resident of Lebak,
Max Havelaar.

Next day he received a reply from . . . the Resident of Bantam? Ah, no, from Mr. Slimering, in his private capacity!

This reply is a precious contribution to the knowledge of the manner in which Government is carried out in Netherlands India. Mr. Slimering complained that Havelaar had not first acquainted him orally with the matters dealt with in letter No. 88. Of course there would then have been a better chance of compromising. And next that Havelaar disturbed him in his pressing occupations!

No doubt the man was occupied with an annual report on peaceful peace! I have his letter before me, and can scarcely trust my

  1. Desperate.