Page:McLoughlin and Old Oregon.djvu/370

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"Escaped to the Mormons."

"Who are the Mormons? "

"Dwellers in a magic city that has risen on Salt Lake."

"Where is Five Crows? "

"Dying at the camp of Chief Joseph."

"Where is Chief Joseph? "

"Quiet in his own valley. He has taken no part in the war."

"And Chief Ellice?"

"Dead. He and sixty of his men went to hunt elk in the mountains and all died of the measles."

Declaring the Cayuse lands forfeited to the United States, and leaving a garrison at the Whitman Fort to watch for the murderers and meet the autumn immigrants, the volunteers gave up the chase and returned to their homes. But Colonel Gilliam came not back he, too, was numbered with the dead.

An autumn immigration of a thousand people entered the country unmolested but yet no word from Washington. Unaided the little colony had fought it out alone.