Page:McLoughlin and Old Oregon.djvu/84

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Malbrouck has gone a-fighting,

Mironton. mironton, mirontaine, Malbrouck has gone a-fighting, But when will he return?

My Lady climbs her watch tower As high as she can get;

She sees her page approaching, All clad in sable hue.

"Ah, page, brave page, what tidings From my true lord bring you? "

11 The news I bring, fair Lady, Will make your tears run down;

"Put off your rose-red dress so fine, And doff your satin gown.

"Monsieur Malbrouck is dead, alas! And buried too, for aye;

"I saw four officers who bore His mighty corse away.

"One bore his cuirass, and his friend His shield of iron wrought;

"The third his mighty sabre bore, And the fourth he carried naught.

"And at the corners of his tomb They planted rosemarie;

"And from their tops the nightingale Rings out her carol free.

"We saw, above the laurels, His soul fly forth amain;

"And each one fell upon his face, And then rose up again.