Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/140

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should do unto you.' Yet with this precept constantly before them, and with this doctrine of love for God and your neighbour continually on their lips, you will admit that they as continually abused one another, and even went to war and spilt their brother's blood about these miserable creations of their own narrow minds, crying aloud all the time that they were doing this for the sake of God, thereby disregarding all that was taught by the Master they professed to serve. This was bad in your day, but shortly after your time things became much worse. The people got so narrow-minded that dogmas became the entire religion, and Christ's teachings were entirely overlooked. Then the freethinkers came to the front as the natural result of these conflicting ideas. With all these experiences before them, my Specimen, our fathers saw that if they were to have a religion at all, they must strip off all creeds and dogmas created by man, and adhere to the constant and oft-repeated instructions of God's Son. This they tried to do,