Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/169

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THE house was not more than thirty feet square and one storey high. On a seat at the side of the door were seated two ladies. One was old and grey-haired, but possessed of a beautifully expressive face; the other was much younger, with a face of great intelligence. And oh! such lovely features and such eyes! The depth of feeling and penetration existing in them was something extraordinary; they were perfectly liquid, and sparkled anew with every change of expression. As we alighted, the ladies rose and advanced to meet us. I now saw that they were tall and slender, and I thought that if they could only reduce their heads and draw in their chests, they would be the most charming females I had ever met. The Recorder simply bowed to them, and leading me forward said:—

"My Specimen, this is my wife and this is