Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/22

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to very little indeed. I redoubled my efforts, but while undoubtedly some good had come out of my work there was so much to do, and I was so earnest, that I overtasked my strength. I became weak and excitable, and at last I had to give way to nature. My strength failed me; I took ill; and was confined to the house for months. Getting rather better I was foolish enough to enter into an election contest, supporting the faction I thought best. Of the hard work I went through during this contest I remember very little. Before the election I became ill again, lost consciousness, and knew nothing more of politics or of the result of the contest, until I awoke from a trance now fully four months ago. But while I was not conscious of what had been doing in this world, you will see from what follows, that I was fully occupied both in mind and body.

I appeared to have fallen into a trance-like slumber; I thought I was walking beside a slow flowing tidal river with banks so regular