Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/263

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from ice, it had drifted down the Atlantic, and melting, was dissipated. A new frozen region was forming at the earth's new axis, but the strangest thing of all was the change of atmosphere. It was found that its component parts were quite different, being now composed of new life-sustaining gases on which man could live, but it was very destructive to iron and steel. This at once explained the cause of the plague amongst the free eaters and drinkers. Their lungs not having been accustomed, as were those of the great sect, to gather support from the air, could not inhale or utilize these stronger life-sustaining gases; while they imparted life and vigour to our sect, to the rest of the world's inhabitants they acted as a slow poison. Then in the confusion of that terrible period of suspense, the non-believers also suffered terribly for the want of proper food; whereas in the case of the believers the simplest kind of food sufficed to keep them in life, and very little of it. This amount of food was gradually reduced as time went on, until,