Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/34

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flat on the ground as if stunned, then they sprang up with wonderful agility, bounding several feet into the air, and turning around, looked in amazement toward me, singing out in piping childish voice some words that I could not understand. I beckoned them to come nearer to me, and speaking, as I thought, in a whisper, asked "Who are you?" They came nearer, and looked at me in astonishment. Now that I could see them better, and thinking I should like to get quite close to them, I stepped off the wall in the most reckless way, never noticing that I had a leap of thirty feet to make. But somehow I came down beside my little oddities without the slightest inconvenience, save that on alighting, I rebounded into the air at least twenty feet, and had to take a dozen hops, before I could settle on the earth, and talk, or try to talk, to my new acquaintances, if such I might call them.

At last, when like a rubber ball I had expended all my elastic energy and come to