Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/40

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up a stone, as I found to act as ballast, they now began to move forward with more caution, making signs for me to follow. The slow pace at which we were now proceeding, enabled me to look around, and see in what direction we were moving in relation to the ruined city. I found we were still within the skirts of the ruins, and I could still see the towers and spires that first attracted my attention. After walking slowly for about half-an-hour, I noticed that we were approaching an elevated and highly cultivated part of the country that was surmounted by a low stone building of considerable size, like a fortification without any embrasures or armament. We soon arrived at the front of this building, where I noticed a large bronze door provided with a heavy knocker. My guides knocked at the door, giving three distinct raps and a succession of light taps. It may appear curious that I should follow with such implicit trust, but I did so. I felt no fear. I was prepared as soon as the door opened