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joyful for the prey that he expects; and the angel on the left hand, with a sad countenance for the loss that he fears. But contrariwise shall it be in the good; yet always will the devil be there, with his fierce and horrible figure.

3. The fourth person is the judge, which is Almighty God Himself, who is to give this judgment invisibly, although He will give tokens of his presence; imprinting in the wicked terrible fear and horror, and in the good peace and consolation. For, as He is infinitely wise, He cannot deceive Himself in judgment; as He is absolutely good, He cannot wrest justice; as He is omnipotent, no man can resist His sentence; and as He is the Supreme Judge, there is no appeal from His tribunal, nor supplication; His sentence is always definitive and irrevocable. For all that may be seen in this process He sees and comprehends it at first sight, so that a review is superfluous.

4. Considering these things, I will imagine that my soul stands to be judged before the tribunal of so upright a judge as God our Lord is. And considering awhile my sins to move me to fear, I will behold the judge in indignation against me, with a severe countenance and an inexorable mind. And I will behold Satan standing on my right side, full of content, and as it were victorious, applying to myself that which the royal prophet David says, " Set thou the sinner over him, and may the devil stand at his right hand: when he is judged may he come forth condemned, and let his prayer" that he maketh " be turned into sin." [1] At another time, to move myself to confidence, I will behold the judge gentle towards me, with an amiable and pleasing countenance; and on my right side my angel-guardian, joyful for my victory, imagining that he is saying in my favour against the devil that which the Prophet Zachariah repeats, " The Lord rebuke thee!" [2] " Is not," perhaps,

  1. Ps. cviii. 6.
  2. Zach. iii. 2.