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from thee the 'maniple of weeping' and repentance, that thou mayest have no hope of my pardoning of thy sins; and I uncloth thee of the ' amice' of my protection, that thou mayest never more hereafter enjoy it."

ii. He will likewise take from him the graces, given gratis or freely, that he had of prophesying, [1] and doing miracles; saying to him, " Because thou madest thyself unworthy of these graces, using them for thy own vain-glory, and treading underfoot my holy law, I despoil thee of them, and of all grace whatsoever; because for thee there shall be nothing now but rigour of justice." Thus the unfortunate soul shall remain with infamous nakedness, fulfilling therein the terrible threatenings of Ezekiel: " They shall strip thee of thy garments, and shall take away the instruments of thy glory," [2] and they shall leave thee naked and full of confusion. Oh, what terrible confusion shall the unhappy soul suffer, when it shall see itself stripped naked of that which before adorned it?

Colloquy. — O Redeemer of the world, Prince of pastors, and "Bishop of our souls," [3] degrade not nor strip naked my soul of the vestments Thou gavest it in baptism: clothe me anew with the garment of Thy grace, which I have lost through my sin, that I may free myself from this nakedness and eternal confusion! Amen.

iii. Then should I ponder how the soul remains with one of these vestments, which is, the character or mark of Christianity, which was given it in baptism, and that of confirmation and priesthood, [4] if it have received these two sacraments; but this shall be for its greater torment; for the Pagans and Moors that shall be with a Christian in hell, beholding the signal of an edifice that was begun, and not ended, [5] shall scoff at him, saying, " O mad and in-

  1. Matt. vii. 22.
  2. Ezech. xxiii. 26.
  3. 1 Pet. ii. 25.
  4. S. Th. 3, p. q. lxriii. art. 6 ad 3.
  5. Luc. xiv. 30.