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frailty, I shall so write, aid me to blot it out with penance, that in the day of my account, seeing me conformable to Thee in life, Thou mayest likewise make me conformable to Thee in glory! Amen.

2. But particularising more at large what is to pass in this manifestation, I will consider that then the secret sins of the heart shall be published, and the foul sins of deed that were committed in corners, and those which for shame were concealed in confession, or were covered with excuses and shifts. Then shall also be manifested evil intentions, secret treasons, hypocrisies, and all other works that seemed holy and were in truth wicked. Then shall be known unfaithful servants, false friends, feigned Christians, with very great confusion to see themselves discovered; for if I feel it so much to have my secret sin published before twelve men, how shall I feel it to have all my sins together published before all men and before all angels?

Colloquy. — O my soul, how darest thou sin m secret if thou believest that thy sin shall be published and manifested before all the world? How canst thou in confession cover some sins through shame, if thy faith tells thee of this confusion thou shalt suffer for concealing them? Eemember what thy Redeemer saith, " Nihil opertum quod non reveletur, neque occultum quod non sciatur " There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed, nor hidden which shall not be known." [1] Therefore cease to commit that sin that thou wouldst not have manifested.

3. Then I will consider how God our Lord shall manifest the good works of the just, how secret soever they have been; their pure thoughts, their holy affections, their intentions so closely hidden that the left hand knew not what the right did; and their exterior works which they covered

  1. Luc. xii. 2.