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1. Of the accusations and imputations against the wicked. — The fifth point shall be to consider the terrible accusations and charges that will arise out of this manifestation, against the wicked in favour of the good. For first of all, the devil, the " accuser" [1] and calumniator of men on this day — which is the last of his office — shall do the same with great vehemence, exaggerating the sins of the wicked, the more to confound them, as St. Basil [2] says, before the whole world; for turning himself to the Judge, he will say, " I did not create these, neither did I give them life, or sustenance, or the goods with they enjoyed: I neither suffered nor died for them, nor promised them any eternal reward; and yet notwithstanding, forsaking Thee who didst all these things for them, they served and obeyed me! Therefore mine they are by right; for I vanquished them, and they yielded themselves to me, and esteemed me more than Thee." This will proud Satan say, as one who after his raging manner desires to triumph over Christ our Lord, and to revenge himself on Him in His creatures. Oh, how ashamed and out of countenance shall the wicked become for having obeyed him!

Colloquy. — Fly, O my soul, from obeying him who will give thee so evil a retribution! Turn for Christ's honour who created and redeemed thee, deceiving His enemy in this life, that he may not beguile thee in the other!

2. Secondly, I will consider the terrible charges that Christ Himself will interiorly lay on them, calling to every one's memory the benefits benefits done them. "I," will He say, " created thee to my own image and likeness, and thou stainedst it with many sins. I redeemed thee with my precious blood, and thou with thy evil ways didst tread and

  1. Apoc xii. 10.
  2. Orat. 1 de amore erga Deum et prozimum.