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one nail drives out another, so the fear of the one fire shall expel out of thee the love of the other.

4. Hence I must draw so firm a resolution to fly this vice [1] — which is not vanquished but by flight — that I may avoid even in my mouth taking the name of it, according to that of St. Paul to the Ephesians, speaking of uncleanness and fornication, " Nec nominetur in vobis [2] " Let it not so much as be named among you lest the name bring to your remembrance the thing that is signified.

And as there are two ways to vanquish this vice, one by contenting one's-self with the lawful delights of matrimony, the other much more perfect, abstaining also from them, the point that follows will be principally concerning this second way.


Thirdly, we are to consider six acts comprehended in the perfect mortification of luxury, and in the sovereign virtue of chastity, when it has attained to its due perfection; and other six favours and rewards that Almighty God grants for them. [3] By reason of which chastity in Scripture is compared to the w lily," which has six very white and soft leaves, within which are six little offshoots with their little heads gilded and sparkling like fire, signifying by the six leaves the six acts or degrees of purity, and by the offshoots the six favours — all founded upon the gold and fire of charity, by which this virtue is most amiable and the mortification most sweet; and to this end we are to consider them.

1. Acts of perfect chastity. — i. The first act of chastity is to keep purity in the eye and ear, [4] locking up the doors of these senses, that nothing may enter thereby to awake

  1. 1 Cor. vi. 18.
  2. Eph. v. 3.
  3. S.Bona. in dietasalut. iv. c.4.
  4. Job xxxi. 1.