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3. With the consideration of these six favours I am to arm myself to resist those combats which may happen to me against chastity, saying as chaste Joseph said to the woman who solicited him — God having done me so many benefits and promising me such favours if I live chaste — "Quomodo possum hoc malum facere, et peccare in Deum meum?" "How can I do this wicked thing, and sin against my God?" [1]

Colloquy. — O Lord of heaven and of earth, I will leave, not only my cloak, like Joseph, but my honour, wealth and life, rather than offend Thee. For Thou madest Joseph, for his chastity and loyalty, viceroy of Egypt; but me, for mine, thou wilt make a king in Thy kingdom of heaven.




1. Avarice is an inordinate desire of riches and temporal goods, in which we may sin many ways.

i. In desiring to take that which is another man's, contrary to the tenth commandment of the law of God; or taking in the deed, or retaining it contrary to the seventh, which is, " not to steal."

ii. With niggardliness abusing that which is our own, not sharing it, when the law of justice or of charity and mercy obliges us, amongst the needy, but being hard-hearted against them.

iii. In seeking after these goods with too great care, setting our whole heart upon them, treading underfoot for

  1. Gen. xxxix. 9.