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that Gore, Dathan, and Abiram would have usurped their dignity, and have put the people in a tumult, for which the earth opened and swallowed them alive. [1] It was through envy that Saul persecuted David with such obstinacy, that he lived as if he were possessed with a devil, and killed himself like a man in despair. [2] Finally, it was through envy they bore against our Saviour Christ that the Jews committed the greatest sins, and suffered the greatest punishments, that have happened in the world.

3. From this I will pass on to the punishments of hell, where the envious shall turn with incredible rage against themselves, biting their own flesh, and that cruel worm that gnaws their conscience shall whet their teeth with envy, in remembering what goods they themselves and others have gained; especially when they shall see, after the day of judgment, the glory of the righteous whom they have despised.

4. Finally, envy is so malignant and cruel, that it turns all things to its own hurt. From other men's goods it draws a spirit of grief that " drieth up the bones," [3] and from other men's harm it draws a kind of joy that, with the sin, it makes itself partaker of them. And therefore the good and evil of others will be the proper torments of the envious. This being so, why do I not tremble at this malignant beast? How dare I dwell with this basilisk that kills, and torments me with his eye? Oh, how truly may I apply to myself those words of the Apostle,

Colloquy. — " Woe to me, that have gone in the way of Cain," persecuting for envy my brethren, " and, after the error of Balaam," have given them evil counsel to overthrow them in sin; andlike " Core" have sought to exalt myself by debasing them! [4] I have deserved, O my God, that the earth should swallow

  1. Numb. xvi. 31.
  2. 1 Reg. xxxi. 6.
  3. Prov. xvii. 22.
  4. Judae 11.