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be like the disciples of John the Baptist, who were envious that Christ should baptise, and that all should follow Him; but rather as the Baptist himself, who said, " He must increase, but I must decrease." [1] I rejoice that my neighbour is exalted and I humbled, and so it is fitting when Almighty God will have it so.

2. Besides this, brotherly charity, contrarily to envy, draws out of all things good to itself; for in rejoicing at the good of my neighbour I make it my own, and in grieving at his evil I shall free myself from it; for by such acts I dispose myself so that Almighty God may give me the one and deliver me from the other, in such a manner as shall be most convenient for me.

3. Finally, with this charity whose fruit is peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, I shall begin even from earth to taste what is in heaven, where all the blessed are contented, and the least are partakers of their glory that have most, through the joy they receive thereby. And so I shall be partaker of the prosperity and joy of all my neighbours, having so many motives of joyfulness as I shall see good fortunes happen to them.

Colloquy. — O my soul, begin forthwith to exorcise upon earth the life that thou hopest to enjoy in heaven. If thou wilt needs have envy, let it " be zealous for that which is good in a good thing always," [2] endeavouring to excel all not for the sake of being more honoured, but that Almighty God may be more glorified, world without end. Amen.

  1. Joan.iii.26.
  2. Gal. iv. 18.