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ing some, putting others to flight, and subjecting the rest to them, (a) He destroys sins, since "He will cast them all into the bottom of the sea.". [1] (b) The devils with their temptation fly away, for there is nothing that more terrifies them than to manifest the wounds of the conscience to the physician that is to cure them, (c) And the passions of the flesh begin to yield themselves to the spirit; for " when the ways of man shall please the Lord, He will convert even his enemies to peace." [2] And therefore it is a great means of vanquishing temptations and passions to manifest them to the confessor and spiritual father; for, while they remain concealed, the devil is in peace and we in a terrible conflict; but in discovering them he flies, and we remain in peace. [3]

iii. Thirdly, He grants "joy in the Holy Ghost," banishing the fears and heaviness that spring from an evil conscience, replenishing them with alacrity, with the news of pardon, according to that of the prophet David: " To my hearing Thou shalt give joy and gladness, and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice." [4] For, taking from them the most heavy burden of their sins, which weighs them down like lead, and the spirit of sadness, which, withered and consumed them, they grow green again, and lift up their head with the hope of pardon, and with the pledge they receive of life everlasting.

2. With this consideration, I am to resolve myself to execute all that is necessary for confession, how painful, shameful, and troublesome soever it seem, remembering that all is but little in comparison of the great good that Almighty God promises me, and of the eternal evil from which He delivers me. And if I consider what Christ

  1. Mich. vii. 19.
  2. Prov. xvi. 7.
  3. Cas. col. ii. c. 10 et 11; S. Bona, in speculo discipline, p. 2, c. 3.
  4. P2. 1. 10.