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baseness? Thy infinite charity hath been the cause of this humiliation to exalt me, and to excite me to love Thee for a work of so great love. Oh that I could love Thee as Thou lovest me! Oh that I could humble me as Thou didst humble Thyself, to be able to honour and serve Thee as Thou deservest! To this throne will I approach for the remedy of my evils " with confidence," that Thou mayest fill my desire with Thy good things.

2. Secondly, I will consider the mysteries of His most sacred humanity, and of the marvellous works that He did in it, and of the offices that He exercised, pondering how He Himself is in this sacrament that was nine months in the womb of our Blessed Lady the Virgin, enriching her with admirable gifts of His grace; and from thence in the house of Zacharias sanctified the Baptist, and replenished with the Holy Ghost both the son and the mother; and seeing He has in this sacrament the same goodness and omnipotence, He may work the same effects in my soul. Moreover, He that is there is the very same that was laid in a manger, and was adored by the shepherds and Magi, paying them for this service with an abundant reward. And if I do adore Him with the same lively faith, I shall receive the same grace. Again, there is He that went through the world teaching and preaching, curing the sick, raising the dead, and doing good to all with innumerable miracles. And especially I will ponder that it is He Himself who for my sake was taken, scourged, crowned with thorns, scorned and crucified — who, being nailed on the cross, prayed for His enemies, pardoned the thief and promised him paradise. And since He Himself in person is in the most blessed sacrament, representing His passion, and with the same blood that He shed therein, He likewise both may and will work in me the same effects. Finally, He that despoiled hell, rose again in glory, and